速報APP / 商業 / DSA Marketplace

DSA Marketplace





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:113 Moore Ave, Suite 101, Mount Airy NC 27030 United States

DSA Marketplace(圖1)-速報App

Monetize your unused digital signage inventory!

DSA Marketplace(圖2)-速報App

Start a digital signage network!

DSA Marketplace(圖3)-速報App

These are among the many possibilities available to you after downloading the DSA Marketplace app onto your Android device.

DSA Marketplace(圖4)-速報App

DSA Marketplace is where Advertisers and screen owners find each other so that short term, geo-targeted Ads can be placed on networks of any size, in fact, there’s even an option for rideshare drivers to participate.

DSA Marketplace(圖5)-速報App

After downloading the app, you’ll simply claim it into your DSA Marketplace account to begin using it to generate revenue.

DSA Marketplace(圖6)-速報App

Go to digitalsmartads.com to learn more.